Sunday, June 03, 2012


Remember those wonderful folks at the GSA who were merrily spending government funds (aka Taxpayer's Money) on junkets and frivolity.  There's more.  From the Washington Post:
Ninety-five high-ranking employees at the General Services Administration who are assigned to work from home racked up $750,000 in travel expenses over nine months, documents show, prompting concerns from agency officials but no action to curtail the expenses.

The travel records, provided by the agency to congressional committees, provide fresh evidence of a spending culture at GSA’s Public Buildings Service that led to an embarrassing scandal this spring over a conference off the Las Vegas strip.
And what kind of response do we have?
GSA spokesman Adam Elkington said Friday the agency is “conducting an extensive review” of its operations that includes travel policies and staff deployment.
Civil service, combined with expansionist government, brings about some of the most cancerous rot to our system.  There is no responsibility, no accountability, and minimal fear of retribution.

And, of course, it's all done with OPM.  To remind you, that OPM is what comes from the taxpayers of America.  Aka you and me.  

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin and I Own the World for the story.

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