From Hugh Hewitt comes this logical arrangement of initiatives put forth in yesterday's State of the Union speech. It's a bit long, but worth following. Because it truly points out that the SOTU was nothing more than a laundry list of political talking-points and campaign slogans. This was written by Clark Judge:
But let me get this straight:
1) banks
will be punished (do I understand this right, by a committee headed by
Eric Holder?) if their lending is too risky,
2) and they will be
required (by the same committee) to give more home loans (meaning, it
must be, to people who would otherwise not qualify for the loans, or
else the government would not have to be involved) at lower rates (which
means rates that do not compensate them as much as the market says they
need to be compensated for the risks they are taking, all of which
sounds like a new edition of the policies that brought on the financial
3) which must mean that they will have to pull back on risky
lending someplace other than homes,
4) the only place that most banks
would be able to pull back on riskier customers would be loans to small
and new businesses,
5) but these are the businesses that have created
just about all the jobs over the last 20 years and he said early in the
speech he wants to encourage them,
6) so maybe their growth capital will
come from selling stock to the kinds of people who invest in new and
small businesses,
7) but through the Buffet Rule he’s going to double
the tax rate on investment income for those people, meaning that, like
the banks, they can’t be fully compensated for the risk of backing small
and new businesses,
8) so they will not invest more in small and new
companies but in big established firms,
9) so more of those small and
new firms will have to turn to the government for capital,
10) which
luckily he said would up its investing in early stage businesses with
“the best” ideas,
11) “the best” ideas meaning, I guess, as with
Solyndra, ideas that advance his agenda through companies whose owners
support his candidacy), 11a) or maybe it would be companies that agree to
invite unionization (since the unions have failed to organize the new
and dynamic sectors of the economy, which is why they have been
12) but then with the big businesses, he wants to punish
American companies if they invest overseas,
13) and he wants to increase
14) but being competitive in the global markets often means
having part of your production near your markets, which is why many
companies have opened production facilities abroad and many foreign
companies (BMW and Honda, for example) have opened their facilities
15) so he’ll make these companies less competitive, meaning less
able to export anything that might be paired with some other product the
company makes abroad in order to attract buyers,
16) and it also means
he’ll have the U.S. ignoring many of the international trading rules of
which we have been the principal sponsor since the end of WWII, rules
that have led to an incredible growth in widely shared wealth all over
the planet,
17) which means that, if he follows through, he’ll blow up
the post-WWII global economic system,
18) which in the very short run
may help the uncompetitive American labor unions but in the not-so-long
run would devastate every economy on earth,
19) but it would also mean
he would be in a position to decide where big companies could invest,
and when, just as he’ll be in control of all new and small businesses,
20) meanwhile he is going to tell states and localities what their
budget priorities should be,
21) and make them adopt his policies for
running their schools, leaving me to wonder, when he’s through, what
won’t he control?
That's what's known in my book as a logical fisking.
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