Senator Arlen Specter to Senator Russ Feingold, after a shouting match that ended when Senator Feingold left the hearing room:
"I don't need to be lectured by you. You are no more a protector of the Constitution than am I."How true -- and how sad.
"I don't need to be lectured by you. You are no more a protector of the Constitution than am I."How true -- and how sad.
Now today, Jefferson has a news conference and announces that, rather than resigning, he's even more committed to serving his constituents. More like serving himself, if you ask me.A congressman under investigation for bribery was caught on videotape accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from an FBI informant whose conversations with the lawmaker also were recorded, according to a court document released Sunday. Agents later found the cash hidden in his freezer.
At one audiotaped meeting, Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., chuckles about writing in code to keep secret what the government contends was his corrupt role in getting his children a cut of a communications company’s deal for work in Africa.
A federal grand jury returned an indictment alleging fraud, corruption, and kickbacks at one of the most prominent legal firms in the class-action lawsuit industry. Milberg Weiss also has two of its partners under personal indictment for a criminal racketeering conspiracy, and the feds want over $200 million in restitutionSeems that these lawyers had their own stable of plaintiffs willing to sue for just about anything.
A] ship has begun to rise from the ashes of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Bringing together Americas two great calamities of the 21st century, the USS New York is being built in New Orleans with 24 tonnes of steel taken from the collapsed World Trade Centre.[T]he girders taken from Ground Zero have been treated with a reverence usually accorded to religious relics. After a brief ceremony in 2003, about seven tonnes of steel were melted down and poured into a cast to make the bow section of the ships hull.
Some shipworkers say the hairs stood up on the backs of their necks the first time they touched it. Others have postponed their retirement so they can be part of the project.
Hat tip to the crew at Power Line.
Here's my handy glossary of commonly used leftist terms, and what they really mean:And of course, the best is saved for last:
Social justice: Spreading the misery of socialism equally throughout society.
Balance: Left vs. far-left (e.g., Hillary Clinton debating Ted Kennedy).
Environmentalists: Celebrities who brag about their environmentally friendly hybrid cars while tooling around the world in gas-guzzling private jets. Liberals who can't afford a car also use this label so they don't appear pathetic to friends.
Freedom fighters: Terrorists whose goal is to destroy Western democracy.
Terrorist: George Bush, or anyone who wants to harm "freedom fighters."
Torture: Frat-party activities that occur on foreign soil, in the presence of U.S. military personnel. Murder, rape and violence perpetrated by communist regimes don't count.
Bush lied: A catch-all that means, "I have no idea how to debate this issue intelligently."Be sure to read, and save, the whole list.
Yesterday, while our government officials and government employee unions were marching in the streets with the "undocumented immigrants", I was filing my quarterly B&O tax returns. And that led me to think: Gee, wouldn't it be nice if I could be an undocumented business owner? Just as the "undocumented workers" opted to avoid the expense and inconvenience of obtaining proper documentation, I too would prefer to avoid the expense and inconvenience of operating as a documented business. But if nobody bothered to get themselves documented, who would pay for all of these wonderful social programs that some in government want to lavish on the undocumented?I'd like to be "undocumented" every April 15th. I assume that the IRS would be interested in an amnesty for anyone who just didn't go through the trouble of filing a 1040 -- it's not like we are hurting anyone -right?